• Formation aéronautique à distance
  • contact@atplschool.com
  • 05 62 03 14 26 / 06 16 16 65 56

Legal Notice

Aircraft barely pushed on takeoff from runway knowledge of navigation and radio navigation instruments remote training by videoconference zoom
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Origin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=garFszFpbFI

Legal notices Atplschool

General information
This site is the property of "ATPLSCHOOL"
Headquarters: Chemin de Pille-Bourse 32800 EAUZE
This site was created by: Graphsite - Concept Sites Web - Siret: 842 079 089 00012
This site is kept up to date by: »Atplschool«
This site is hosted by: OVH France
Contact: Graphsite (Webmaster): Tel: 06 67 95 70 90
Contact: ATPLSCHOOL (Legal representative): Mr. Daniel GUIDO - Tel: 06 16 16 65 56
Copyright: "ATPLSCHOOL - Theoretical Airline Pilot training"

Legal representative
M. Daniel GUIDO
Siret : 848 545 158 00018

Applicable law
The website www.atplschool.com and these general conditions are subject to French law and are drafted in French and in English version.
"ATPLSCHOOL - Pilot theoretical training de Ligne ”reserves the right to modify these terms at any time. The user agrees to consult it regularly.

Protection of personal data
Visiting the site www.atplschool.com is possible without you having to reveal your identity or any other information of a personal nature concerning you.
The company « ATPLSCHOOL - Airline Pilot theoretical training ”undertakes to respect your privacy and protect the information you provide.
In particular, the personal data collected on the website www.atplschool.com remain confidential and treated as such. The site is covered by a GDPR extension that meets the requirements of the protection of personal data covered by the European directives of 2018.
Regarding the nominative information that you may have to communicate to us, you have the right to 'access and rectification in accordance with the French Data Protection Act n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978.
You can exercise this right from "ATPLSCHOOL - Theoretical training of Line Pilot" - Address: Chemin de Pille-Bourse 32800 EAUZE.

If you have subscribed to information services by electronic mail ("newsletter") you can opt out of receiving these mails. An order in the Newsletter page allows you to unsubscribe.
We inform you that in order to offer you ever more suitable products and services, certain non-personal information relating to your activity on this site will be automatically collected and kept in your personal account.
This information is intended for "ATPLSCHOOL - Airline Pilot Theoretical Training" and may also be used in the context of commercial or marketing operations or serve as a basis for studies and analyzes. This information will in no case be communicated to third parties.
Only the personnel of "ATPLSCHOOL - Theoretical Airline Pilot Training" have access to the data.

We take all necessary precautions to preserve the integrity of the data, their confidentiality and prevent any communication to unauthorized third parties.

Hypertext links
Setting up a hypertext link to the site www.atplschool.com does not require prior written authorization from "ATPLSCHOOL - Theoretical Airline Pilot Training"
Nevertheless, “ATPLSCHOOL - Airline Pilot Theoretical Training” must be informed within a maximum period of 30 days after the link has been set up.
In any event, “ATPLSCHOOL - Airline Pilot Theoretical Training” is in no way responsible for the content or the products or services offered on the sites to which the site www.atplschool.com is linked by hypertext links or any other type of link.

Intellectual property rights
"ATPLSCHOOL - Airline Pilot Theoretical Training" informs the users of this site that many elements of this site:
- are protected by the legislation on the right copyright: this may in particular be the case of photographs, articles, drawings, videos, animated sequences, etc.
- and / or are protected by legislation on designs
- are protected by trademark law

The elements thus protected are the property of “ATPLSCHOOL - Airline Pilot Theoretical Training” or of third parties having authorized “ATPLSCHOOL - Airline Pilot Theoretical Training” to use them.

The photos and videos remain the exclusive property of "ATPLSCHOOL - Airline Pilot Theoretical Training", no use of these photos and videos is authorized.
Any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation, marketing , partial or complete by any process and on any medium whatsoever (paper, digital, etc.) are prohibited without the prior written authorization of "ATPLSCHOOL - Theoretical Airline Pilot Training", with the exceptions referred to in article L 122.5 of the Intellectual Property Code, under penalty of constituting an offense of infringement of copyright and / or designs and / or trademarks, punishable by two years' imprisonment and a fine of € 150,000.

Copyrights and / or Rights on images and Videos
In accordance with article L122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code, photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, images, videos, animated sequences with or without sound as well as all the works integrated into the site are the property of "ATPLSCHOOL - Theoretical Airline Pilot Training" or of third parties having authorized their use.

Information relating to services
As part of a policy of constant improvement of its products and services, "ATPLSCHOOL - Theoretical Airline Pilot Training" can modify at any time the characteristics of its offers.
The products and / or services presented on this site are those for metropolitan France and in certain countries such as England, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Spain.
In any event, the information contained on this site are general information and have no contractual value.

Course of training
- Face-to-face for the “Autonomous” formula. The location of its training sessions will be scheduled according to the location of the trainees, their number and the availability of instructors and flight schools associated with ATPLSCHOOL and available to receive trainees.
- By Video-conference Zoom for training in "Accompanied" and "Reinforced" formulas

Training Platform
The site will soon make it possible to log into a “Training Platform” dedicated to the purchase of subscriptions for training provided by ATPLSCHOOL.
This platform will bring together all tools necessary for training follow-ups and in particular Zoom videoconference invitations.
Individual follow-up will be possible for each trainee who can connect at any time.

Trainee Space (Cloud ATPLSCHOOL)
A space for data storage, document exchange and information is accessible from the site. Registration is free for the opening of an account which will be subject to validation. Each trainee can have his own personal account, submit his documents and allow the exchange of information through the rights associated with logins. ATPLSCHOOL may consult the documents submitted by trainees and not authorize some. ATPLSCHOOL will transmit through this "Cloud Trainee Space" any document it deems necessary to share for the trainee community.

Limitation of liability
You use the site www.atplschool.com under your sole and entire responsibility.
"ATPLSCHOOL" cannot be held responsible for direct or indirect damage, such as , in particular, material damage, loss of data or program, financial loss, resulting from the use of this site or of sites which are linked to it.

"ATPLSCHOOL - Airline Pilot Theoretical Training" reserves the right to modify and update, without notice, these legal notices and all the elements and products presented on the site.
All of these modifications are binding on Internet users who must consult these General Conditions each time they log on.

Statistical tracking data
ATPLSCHOOL uses connection data for our consultation statistics (type of browser, number of visitors, sections visited, etc.) through Google Analytics.
For the optimization of our site in terms of sections and navigation, but this information is not transmitted to third parties.

Technical assistance
Notre équipe de « ATPLSCHOOL – Formation théorique Pilote de Ligne » se tient à votre disposition par téléphone (06 16 16 65 56) ou par mail (contact@atplschool.com ) pour répondre à vos attentes.
