• Formation aéronautique à distance
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031 – Mass and balance

Theoretical ATPL certificate airplane 031 weight and balance ATPL training Airplane Airline pilot license

Formation Pilote de ligne
031 - Masse et Centrage

Mass and Balance

Flying a heavier than air ’requires some precautions….

The weight distribution on board must allow it to fly away ... This is the balance!

The points that will be developed during the videoconference sessions will be as follows:

  • Using manual centering sheets

Origin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-fCufWPdko

Purpose of the training:

  • The loading of planes meets strict rules to allow it…. To fly. !
  • Your attention must be made aware of their imperative aspect… under penalty of immediate sanction!
  • Your attention must be made aware of their imperative aspect… under penalty of immediate sanction!
Professional flight school - airplane airline pilot training atplschool training sheet

LO’s officiels

 ( Learning objectives)


Hazardous materials pallet


Hazardous materials pallet


Main Bridge


Front cargo bay loading
